Wednesday 9 November 2016

My Holiday


 My name is Aleeya Qistina...

 Today i`m gonna talk about a holiday that i've been going...

  I've been to Tokyo and it's so fun you need to go there too..Tokyo is very beautiful

        A beautiful view that you gonna like is the Cherry Blossom atNight...

Each year, the National Cherry Blossom Festival commemorates the 1912 gift of 3,000 cherry trees from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo to the city of Washington, DC. The gift and annual celebration honor the lasting friendship between the United States and Japan and the continued close relationship between the two countries.

It took the coordination of many to ensure the arrival of the cherry trees.  A first batch of 2,000 trees arrived diseased in 1910, but did not deter the parties.  Between the governments of the two countries, coordination by Dr. Jokichi Takamine, a world-famous chemist and the founder of Sankyo Co., Ltd. (today known as Daiichi Sankyo), Dr. David Fairchild of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Eliza Scidmore, first female board member of the National Geographic Society, and First Lady Helen Herron Taft, more than 3,000 trees arrived in Washington in 1912. In a simple ceremony on March 27, 1912, First Lady Helen Herron Taft and Viscountess Chinda, wife of the Japanese ambassador, planted the first two trees from Japan on the north bank of the Tidal Basin in West Potomac Park.

                                   Tokyo town is big and have a lot of things

     Tokyo town is the place that you will find a lot of shops that you can shop.You will shop a lot there and you will think that you need to buy a lot of things there.If I think i need a lot of things that i need to buy there I will buy it.All of the things there is very cute and sometimes is good to have.A lots of people will go there for lunch or dinner because they have delicious Sushi there.

                                                     Tokyo Tower